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  • mvcounsellingw

Behind the curtain peak into my counselling Practice.

Hi guys welcome to my Blog!

As you all know I am a registred and licensed Wellness Counsellor, I use a intergrative based approach alongside a person-centered theraphy model in my practise. A lot of people have asked me why I became a wellness counsellor the simple answer to this question stems from my deep passion towards working and aiding both children, teens and adults during difficult times or circumstances that they face. The fulfillment I experience when a client is experiencing a breakthrough during their sessions are what makes my work worth it. Coming from a Psychology background, it sparked my interest in mental health care and also understanding people and how I can support them in their Healing Journey Through Counselling.

I am a big advocate for distigmatising mental health illnesses and struggels, and to spread awarness through educating people about mental health care services, and the benefits of seeking help. I believe that prevention is better than cure. I offer online services to adults as I can reach and provide services to more people this way. The benefit of also receiving theraphy at the comfort of your own space also creates a more stress free session. I also provide Play Theraphy services to young children. As a travelling play therapist I offer my services to pre - schools and primary schools. I also offer teen individual counselling sessions.

My biggest hope through my practise is making a difference in people's lifes no matter how small. and to also change how people perceive therapy and that it is okay to seek help. If you or anyone you know needs counselling or if you would like to know more please contact us or visit our website for more information.

Stay tuned and subscribe to our e-mail for the latest news and tips into the world of wellness counselling,

Much Love


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